Yes, you can also return or exchange you item(s) purchased at at a Levi’s® store in the country where the order was delivered. We’ll give you a code for 10% off a same-day in-store purchase if you return or exchange it at one of our stores. To check the list of participating stores please follow this link or click on “Find a Store” in the upper right corner of the web site.
You can choose to receive your refund back to your original form of payment which should appear on your bank or credit card statement within 3-5 working days. Please note, that our return and exchanges are currently taking up to 10 working days to process. The refund processing times are dictated by the issuing bank and are outside of our control. If you should have any queries about processing times, please contact your bank for more information. PayPal refunds can take between 10 and 15 working days.
If you would like to swap an item or purchase something else in-store, you can choose to receive your refund as a store e-gift card* for immediate use.
*Note: e-gift card is eligible for use in any amount, in any Levi’s® store (excludes outlets), and does not have an expiry date.